The story which started before the foundation of the world

The story which started before the foundation of the world

The story which started before the foundation of the world

The beginning was the “It is finished!” on the cross. But is that true?

When was the moment that God, the Father, decided that out of inconceivable, pure, divine love for us humans, He is willing to sacrifice His only Son – for us?

The Bible says: JESUS is the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world.

It is so amazing to me that the Three: God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit have thought, agreed and planned this before the foundation of the world.

So nothing is surprising, nothing confuses the Godhead and nothing shocks them… it is a plan that cannot go wrong because the Lamb paid for it long ago.

It is a plan that casts its shadow throughout the Old Testament and through the old covenants, towards Jesus who completes everything and has already accomplished what was discussed together.

The New Covenant, the wonderful plan of the Father with the Son, who wants to take us all into the crucifixion, burial and resurrection to a new life out of the Spirit, to a life as one of the many sons of God, for whom the whole creation longs – it was already conceived and carried out eternities ago!

And today – today we may be part of it:
Partakers, co-heirs, brothers of Jesus, followers of Jesus, kings, priests, bride of Christ, full of passion and longing for the Bridegroom, who nevertheless already dwells in us… loving all people out of gratitude, because HE LOVED us FIRST!

We are already blessed with everything in Christ, infinitely loved, accepted, healed, restored, redeemed and freed from all bondages, without shame, made perfect, holy, righteous, dead to sin, more than overcomers, freed from all curses, made rich, … !

Let’s celebrate it and let’s live it and let’s take in who can be taken in!

Claudia Margit Kurz

Copyright ©Claudia Margit Kurz (Publication, duplication and distribution, also in printed form, only after prior consultation)

The New Covenant – The beginning of something completely new

The New Covenant – The beginning of something completely new

The New Covenant – The beginning of something completely new

God’s desire and longing has always been to take us into His glory and riches and bestow them upon us.

Adam (the first Adam) was created into Paradise, into the fullness of God’s riches and God’s glory clothed him.

We lost that, through the Fall…. it was all lost until Christ (the last Adam) came and with him the Kingdom of God on earth.

God has wanted the same for all of us through the New Covenant for about 2000 years:
We are taken into the fullness of God’s blessings and riches through the New Covenant. Destined to be mature sons, heirs of God and co-heirs of JESUS.

At the new birth, God’s glory moved into us, the mystery that has been hidden since there have been ages and generations, but which has now been made manifest …

In us now lives the Christ … the mystery of Christ embedded in us, a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for His people, and God wants everyone to know about it (according to Colossians 1:27 translated from the TPT).

JESUS the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, after his death on the cross, entered once and for all into the holiest of holies with the holy blood of his own sacrifice, and by doing so he secured our salvation forever and MUCH, MUCH more!

  • Accepted instead of being excluded and separated
  • Blossoming instead of shrivelling and withering away
  • Authority instead of immaturity and slave mentality
  • Salvation from ALL guilt, past and future
  • Freedom from the law of sin and death
  • Freedom from all bondages and chains of enslavement, physical and psychological
  • Freedom from original sin
  • Freedom from curses of all kinds
  • Freedom from generational curses
  • Peace instead of being lost
  • Righteousness instead of condemnation for all who are in life communion with JESUS
  • Faith and hope instead of fear and anxiety
  • Favor of God instead of hopelessness and disadvantage
  • Health instead of sickness
  • Glory instead of desolation
  • Help instead of being lost
  • Heaven instead of hell
  • Hope instead of hopelessness
  • Life instead of death
  • Love instead of indifference and hatred
  • New covenant instead of old covenant of the law
  • New man – the old man is also crucified
  • Beauty instead of ashes and ugliness
  • Protection instead of fragility
  • Blessings in abundance for all who are in Christ
  • Blessing instead of curse
  • Sonship instead of orphanhood = restoration of relationship with the Father
  • Strength instead of weakness
  • Well-being instead of pain of physical AND psychological nature
  • Prosperity – poverty is not in the mind of God
  • Dignity instead of shame
  • “Thank you JESUS, you bore it ALL, suffered it ALL and paid for it ALL, I may claim your victory over it!

Thank you Jesus, you went through hell for us and now the gates of hell cannot overcome us!

Your victory is mine and ours!”

And why all this? Because God is GOOD!

Let us give of this abundance of blessing abundantly and generously because HE first gave us abundantly.

Let us love because HE first loved us.

Let us serve one another with all that we have and are, because HE first did this for us.

And all this out of THANKFULNESS, not because he would expect that… and not for the end in itself or for our own amusement!

We are free – to freedom Christ has set us free.

We are free to love, free to serve and free to be thankful 🙂 .

Let’s celebrate it and let’s take everyone into it who can be taken into it!

Claudia Margit Kurz

Copyright ©Claudia Margit Kurz (publication, duplication and distribution, also in printed form, only upon prior consultation)

The New Covenant – The beginning of something completely new

The New Covenant, not that new at all?

The New Covenant, not that new at all?

The Bible speaks of the “New” Covenant – in contrast to the “Old” Covenant:

The Old Covenant (Law Covenant) was made only for the Jews and applied only to that particular period of time until the Messiah came.

It never applied to us, the Gentiles.

As the time arrived, the Messiah Jesus Christ came, fulfilled the Law and through His death, resurrection and blood, which He brought into the sanctuary to the Father, the New Covenant was launched.

To be precise, by now the “New Covenant” is the only valid covenant.

Jesus himself speaks very little about this covenant that would come.

Shortly before his death, for instance, he said: “the New Covenant in my blood…”.

Jesus has sealed this covenant with his death (only) and before that nobody could recognize and understand it.

Not until the Holy Spirit began to teach about it, as Jesus had promised: “… who will come and guide you into all truth”.

Paul then teaches in detail, clearly, uncompromisingly and radically (derived from the Latin radix (root)), previously taught by the Holy Spirit about the New Covenant, about the true Gospel, the ONLY Gospel and this richness in which we may now live and take responsibility.

JESUS is the only way.

The cross is the only passage and access to the Father and into this wonderful covenant.

His victory on the cross is our victory… his overcoming makes of us: “MORE than overcomers”.

Through our own voluntary capitulation, repentance and surrender to HIM, we are taken in as sons of God and as co-heirs and heirs into the heavenly, supernatural fullness of this covenant.

The (New) Covenant into which we enter through our rebirth and surrender to Jesus Christ our LORD is misunderstood if we want to have a better life in a selfish or self-centered way through the fullness of what we find and want to have God’s love (only) for ourselves without letting it flow through us as well.

WITH this covenant and IN this covenant, God meets us in His INCREDIBLE self-LESS, devotional FULL, divine love.

This love is the AGAPE.

AGAPE was first… and we love because HE loved us FIRST, it is written in 1 John 4:19.

God IS love. He has always been there. Before the foundation of the world.

Everything He touches is touched by love.

Our love can therefore only be a reaction, a response to his first love, with which he first loved us.

God, which is love Himself has always been there, He has also always been in love with us. 🙂

AGAPE dwelt among us and became visible:


  • through the life of Jesus (who sees him, sees the Father)
  • through the being of Jesus (HOW he lived: selflessly loving)
  • through the revelations of Jesus (about the kingdom of God and the parables)
  • through the substitutionary death and resurrection of Jesus (he is the last Adam and with him we all died and rise as new people with him)
  • HE redeemed us from ourselves and therefore we are truly free and allowed to love HIM.

The AGAPE is by its nature self-less.

It cannot be an egoistic “love” at all, because AGAPE is self-LESS.

And only because we are filled by AGAPE, we can let this divine love flow through us (he is the source, we are channel).

But we, who are the channels, should not clog ourselves with ourselves.

In order to truly love, we need HIS love.

We need AGAPE. We need HIM.

We should walk in it. Always.

This is not a sacrifice. That is a privilege.

Let’s celebrate it and let’s take EVERYONE in who will let us take them in!

Claudia Margit Kurz


Copyright ©Claudia Margit Kurz (Publication, duplication and distribution, also in printed form, only after prior consultation)

Our home

Our home

Our home

Since the end of October 22 we are now building our house. Until the house is built, we live in a simple wooden hut.
It is expected that the construction of the house will be completed by the beginning of 2024 at the latest.

The bungalows

The bungalows

The bungalows

Unsere Bungalows haben eine Grundfläche von 37.5qm und eine Terrasse mit Aussenküche. 
Stabil und verträumt stehen sie auf dem Teil vom Grundstück, wo man einen traumhaften Ausblick in die Ferne hat. Die Häuser stehen Richtung Westen – von der Terasse kann man die schönsten Sonnenuntergänge betrachten. 
Das Dach vom Bungalow ist isoliert, eingebaute Ventilatoren und eine Klimaanlage helfen für angenehme Temperaturen. 
Unser erster Bungalow ist nun fertiggestellt. Der Bau des zweiten wird ebenfalls nächstens abgeschlossen sein.