The New Covenant, not that new at all?
The Bible speaks of the “New” Covenant – in contrast to the “Old” Covenant:
The Old Covenant (Law Covenant) was made only for the Jews and applied only to that particular period of time until the Messiah came.
It never applied to us, the Gentiles.
As the time arrived, the Messiah Jesus Christ came, fulfilled the Law and through His death, resurrection and blood, which He brought into the sanctuary to the Father, the New Covenant was launched.
To be precise, by now the “New Covenant” is the only valid covenant.
Jesus himself speaks very little about this covenant that would come.
Shortly before his death, for instance, he said: “the New Covenant in my blood…”.
Jesus has sealed this covenant with his death (only) and before that nobody could recognize and understand it.
Not until the Holy Spirit began to teach about it, as Jesus had promised: “… who will come and guide you into all truth”.
Paul then teaches in detail, clearly, uncompromisingly and radically (derived from the Latin radix (root)), previously taught by the Holy Spirit about the New Covenant, about the true Gospel, the ONLY Gospel and this richness in which we may now live and take responsibility.
JESUS is the only way.
The cross is the only passage and access to the Father and into this wonderful covenant.
His victory on the cross is our victory… his overcoming makes of us: “MORE than overcomers”.
Through our own voluntary capitulation, repentance and surrender to HIM, we are taken in as sons of God and as co-heirs and heirs into the heavenly, supernatural fullness of this covenant.
The (New) Covenant into which we enter through our rebirth and surrender to Jesus Christ our LORD is misunderstood if we want to have a better life in a selfish or self-centered way through the fullness of what we find and want to have God’s love (only) for ourselves without letting it flow through us as well.
WITH this covenant and IN this covenant, God meets us in His INCREDIBLE self-LESS, devotional FULL, divine love.
This love is the AGAPE.
AGAPE was first… and we love because HE loved us FIRST, it is written in 1 John 4:19.
God IS love. He has always been there. Before the foundation of the world.
Everything He touches is touched by love.
Our love can therefore only be a reaction, a response to his first love, with which he first loved us.
God, which is love Himself has always been there, He has also always been in love with us. 🙂
AGAPE dwelt among us and became visible:
- through the life of Jesus (who sees him, sees the Father)
- through the being of Jesus (HOW he lived: selflessly loving)
- through the revelations of Jesus (about the kingdom of God and the parables)
- through the substitutionary death and resurrection of Jesus (he is the last Adam and with him we all died and rise as new people with him)
- HE redeemed us from ourselves and therefore we are truly free and allowed to love HIM.
The AGAPE is by its nature self-less.
It cannot be an egoistic “love” at all, because AGAPE is self-LESS.
And only because we are filled by AGAPE, we can let this divine love flow through us (he is the source, we are channel).
But we, who are the channels, should not clog ourselves with ourselves.
In order to truly love, we need HIS love.
We need AGAPE. We need HIM.
We should walk in it. Always.
This is not a sacrifice. That is a privilege.
Let’s celebrate it and let’s take EVERYONE in who will let us take them in!
Claudia Margit Kurz
Copyright ©Claudia Margit Kurz (Publication, duplication and distribution, also in printed form, only after prior consultation)