
The last months were filled with very intensive pioneering work.
There was no road leading to our property, no electricity, no internet, and no deep well that would have provided enough water for everyone even in the dry season. There was no building on the property – only forest, bushes, thorns and overgrown clearings.
As our decision as a whole to come to Paraguay, these projects are a step of faith. We have invested our brought finances from Switzerland in land, hall, house the two bungalows and in the infrastructure. For further projects, as we also describe in the following, we trust in God’s provision.
Step by step our first projects are taking shape and some are already nearing completion; the first two bungalows are finished, the hall will be completed in a few days and we are working diligently on our house. The next projects are also in the planning stage. Next we would like to tackle a quincho (thatched roof with rustic columns) and a pool.
On this page we present you the current projects as well as plans and ideas for later.
Current projects
Our home
Since the end of October 22 we are now building our house. Until the house is built, we live in a simple wooden hut.It is expected that the construction of the house will be completed by the beginning of 2024 at the latest.
The bungalows
Unsere Bungalows haben eine Grundfläche von 37.5qm und eine Terrasse mit Aussenküche. Stabil und verträumt stehen sie auf dem Teil vom Grundstück, wo man einen traumhaften Ausblick in die Ferne hat. Die Häuser stehen Richtung Westen – von der Terasse kann man die...
The great hall
One of the first projects we started was the hall.With its 240sqm floor space (20×12 meters) and its 6 meters height, it was a massive project with numerous uses. We also built in 2 rooms and a small bathroom with shower and toilet.What exactly we will use the hall...
From the desert to the Garden of Eden
Originally, there were only a few fruit trees on the tree, a tangerine tree, a pomegranate tree, three guayaba trees and a persimmon tree. In addition, we had planted bananas and pineapples right at the beginning and created a garden.But now, in one...
Future projects
Soccer field
Of course, a soccer field can't be missing!The idea is a "mini soccer field" - that is, one that is about 30x50m.As a location is considered the area next to the garden.
A pond in the middle of the forest, waiting to be created.The goal is to create habitat for animals and insects, and fish will be able to reproduce in this pond - and help us in a healthy nutrition.
Large Quincho
One of the clearings is large and perfect for a large quincho.The picture is only symbolic - our quincho will have a thatched roof as in the photo, but then simple rustic posts, open walls and a floor of flat stone slabs joined together.This space will be used as a...
Volleyball field
The volleyball field will be 8x16m.Location: between the hall and the fence. This means that this field is mostly in the shade, and the ball does not fly away in all directions!
Public and recreational space
Planned is area with pool,a round quincho (thatched roof house without walls),an toilet house with a showerand an outdoor kitchen. Of course, deck chairs or hammocks should not be missing and tables on which to work or eat.The pool will be 5x11m, with 2 wings to sit...