The New Covenant – The beginning of something completely new
God’s desire and longing has always been to take us into His glory and riches and bestow them upon us.
Adam (the first Adam) was created into Paradise, into the fullness of God’s riches and God’s glory clothed him.
We lost that, through the Fall…. it was all lost until Christ (the last Adam) came and with him the Kingdom of God on earth.
God has wanted the same for all of us through the New Covenant for about 2000 years:
We are taken into the fullness of God’s blessings and riches through the New Covenant. Destined to be mature sons, heirs of God and co-heirs of JESUS.
At the new birth, God’s glory moved into us, the mystery that has been hidden since there have been ages and generations, but which has now been made manifest …
In us now lives the Christ … the mystery of Christ embedded in us, a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for His people, and God wants everyone to know about it (according to Colossians 1:27 translated from the TPT).
JESUS the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, after his death on the cross, entered once and for all into the holiest of holies with the holy blood of his own sacrifice, and by doing so he secured our salvation forever and MUCH, MUCH more!
- Accepted instead of being excluded and separated
- Blossoming instead of shrivelling and withering away
- Authority instead of immaturity and slave mentality
- Salvation from ALL guilt, past and future
- Freedom from the law of sin and death
- Freedom from all bondages and chains of enslavement, physical and psychological
- Freedom from original sin
- Freedom from curses of all kinds
- Freedom from generational curses
- Peace instead of being lost
- Righteousness instead of condemnation for all who are in life communion with JESUS
- Faith and hope instead of fear and anxiety
- Favor of God instead of hopelessness and disadvantage
- Health instead of sickness
- Glory instead of desolation
- Help instead of being lost
- Heaven instead of hell
- Hope instead of hopelessness
- Life instead of death
- Love instead of indifference and hatred
- New covenant instead of old covenant of the law
- New man – the old man is also crucified
- Beauty instead of ashes and ugliness
- Protection instead of fragility
- Blessings in abundance for all who are in Christ
- Blessing instead of curse
- Sonship instead of orphanhood = restoration of relationship with the Father
- Strength instead of weakness
- Well-being instead of pain of physical AND psychological nature
- Prosperity – poverty is not in the mind of God
- Dignity instead of shame
- “Thank you JESUS, you bore it ALL, suffered it ALL and paid for it ALL, I may claim your victory over it!
Thank you Jesus, you went through hell for us and now the gates of hell cannot overcome us!
Your victory is mine and ours!”
And why all this? Because God is GOOD!
Let us give of this abundance of blessing abundantly and generously because HE first gave us abundantly.
Let us love because HE first loved us.
Let us serve one another with all that we have and are, because HE first did this for us.
And all this out of THANKFULNESS, not because he would expect that… and not for the end in itself or for our own amusement!
We are free – to freedom Christ has set us free.
We are free to love, free to serve and free to be thankful 🙂 .
Let’s celebrate it and let’s take everyone into it who can be taken into it!
Claudia Margit Kurz
Copyright ©Claudia Margit Kurz (publication, duplication and distribution, also in printed form, only upon prior consultation)